The week before Halloween, we made our first ER trip for injury. Emma was running in the house and tripped and flew with force into the coffee table. My mom, Brett, and I were all sitting there and none of us could move quick enough. We heard a crack. We didn't even stop to examine the damage. Mom knew to stay with the baby and I told Brett to meet me in the truck with some ice and a cold rag. Once I had her in the truck, I could see that her eye was busted open, her lip was opened, and three of her teeth were now missing. Emma kept wanting to fall asleep on the way to the hospital, so I had her sing to stay awake. She started to sing Jesus Loves Me and I about lost it. Once we got to the hospital, Brett dropped us off at the door. I carried her in, both of us covered in blood. I knew that if I mustered up enough energy to make a voice, I would probably start crying, so I whispered to the admission nurse what was wrong. They got her all stitched up and gave her a stuffed giraffe. She was so incredibly brave. She can still tell anyone in detail what happened the night she lost her teeth. I'm sure it will be hard for her to forget. She was very excited about the tooth fairy visiting ;).
I couldn't sleep at all that first night. I just laid awake next to her, so grateful.
She was kind of quiet the next day. Hannah tried really hard to make her happy.
Oh, and Hannah LOVED her first wagon ride ;)
So brave at the dentist follow up the following Monday. She let them look and poke and take xrays. I know she hurt, but she was such a big girl!
This broke my heart. Two days after, she drew this picture. It is her and her tooth coming out.
Day three: Starting to play and smile again!
Day four: we finally got out of the house, and she was back to her old daredevil self!
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