Wednesday, August 26, 2015

July 2015

So I'm still playing catch up, and I don't anticipate doing any better once Ben gets here.  But, we love looking back and watching our kiddos grow and what we did, so I will just do the best I can!

July was hot.  We spent most of our days in a pool, or in a water hose, or at the splash pad.  Hannah is so independent and wants to do everything Emma does, but by herself.  She is really expressing herself well, matches colors and shapes without hesitance, loves to say Ta Da! after everything (including a clumsy fall or mommy buckling her into her seat), and she told her first knock knock joke!

  "knock, knock"
  "who's there?"
  "duck".  (giggles)

pretty cute, huh?!

Emma is pretty clever herself.  One day she asked me if I wanted to play big girl, and she would play mommy.  I said ok.  So she tells me, "Ok, how about you pick up this big mess, sweetheart".

I might be in trouble.  :)

These girls are so incredibly happy.  I love these sweet days of dress up and tea party and running around the park!

Also, July brings 4th of July.  We made our trip to Bartlesville like we do most years.  Matt flies into OKC, and then rides with us to the parents house.  This year, Hannah got to participate at the kiddie park.  She had so much fun!  Emma also loves rides, but is much more reserved about her enthusiasm while the rides are going.  She likes to be aware of what is going on around her at all times.  Hannah, on the other hand, throws her head back and squeals without a care in the world.  I love both of their personalities so much, although both present their own struggles.  Hannah always has some sort of bruise or bump from her careless ways, not to mention the fright she has instilled in us in what to expect in years to come.  Emma is so legalistic, that while I love her following of rules and love of order, their is no switching things up.  Things must be just so.  I think I may be to blame for that! 

We made every attempt to play and go to the Science Museum, zoo, and park while we can before Emma starts school in mid-August.  Brett continues to work hard and stay busy, but as soon as he gets home, is quick to join in the fun.  I am a blessed woman to have such a sweet family!



Neighborhood driveway movie!

4 year old check up

In case you can't read Emma, this says, "I love you mom". <3

Pedi pamper with momma

date with grandpa to Mary Poppins play!

little builder

Hannah's first carousel ride!

first drive-in movies for both girls



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