Thursday, December 20, 2012

My prayer for Emma.

Clearly, I am a mess. As every other parent across the country, I do not know how to refrain from the fear that has crept up across our playgrounds, into our schools. I don't know the proper way to mourn for so many babies that I never knew, but have left a gaping hole in my heart. I am grasping for answers and solutions to prevent this from happening to anymore children... including my own. I am at a loss. All I can do is cry and pray.

I know that we cannot make every criminal turn in their firearms. I know that we can't make the mentally ill take their meds. I know that we can't take away every violent video game across the nation from little minds that are being left desensitized. I know we can't shut down internet pornography with a simple flip of a switch. I know we can't end child abuse or world hunger with merely whispering "stop". We cannot house every homeless child. We cannot unplug "reality" tv in every home that has given a new generation a new idea of reality. I can not force schools and government to pray to God. I cannot hover over my child the rest of her precious little life and control everything she will ever do and say. But... I can cover her in prayer. I cannot change the whole wide world and solve every problem, but I can change what my child will see at home and see from her parents. I can let her watch us serve and love others. I can pray that what I teach my child, she will teach hers. I can pray that the friends I surround myself with, who pray and love and encourage, she will surround herself with those friends. I can pray that I refrain from worry and fear, and remember that when tragedy comes, we are surrounded by wings and lifted to heaven in beautiful song, just as every baby and teacher on Friday. I can pray that my child remembers this also, so that she does not live in fear. We may not be able to change the world today, but we can pray for tomorrow.

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