We have found ourselves dreaming a lot lately. Dreaming can be good. It gives you motivation to work a little harder, to save a little more. But, we have to be careful not to let it pull from our current happily ever after. Life is so good and so precious.
Speaking of precious lives, I want to share an experience. I don't often share the charities and services we take part in, because it's not about us. But, I want to share a wonderful opportunity I had, to be the voice and hands of Jesus. I want to remember the beautiful feeling that has been consuming me since I was able to help with Samaritan's Feet. Over the summer, my husband had the same opportunity to work with this organization at Convoy of Hope. He shared such beautiful stories with me from that day, so when I received an email from our evangelistic team that the organization was back in KC and needed volunteers, I couldn't wait. Not only did we hand out shoes, but we first washed the feet of the homeless. What a beautiful time to hear their stories and struggles. Now, I'm not very verbal when it comes to prayer. I'm a true introvert at heart, so when they said that we would be offering prayer, I got a little sweaty. After spending time with these people, I couldn't wait to pray with them. What an amazing experience! As a nurse at an inner city hospital, I get to work with this population often, but to serve them on this level and pray with them... this is what it is all about.
Emma had her first overnight stay away from mommy and daddy this weekend! I wasn't quite ready for it, but we had so many obligations and I knew Em would be miserable hanging out at a wrestling fundraiser until late Saturday night. She got to sleepover at Brett's Aunt Karen and Uncle Dan's, and hang out with her BFF, cousin Alex. I don't think she was near the wreck her mom was. In fact, I think she had a pretty good time! Sunday morning I threw a baby shower brunch for a dear friend of mine, so when we were finally reunited, momma was ready for her long overdue cuddle time!
Here are a few pictures from the past couple of weeks...
This is Emma's bear impression ;)
A little zoo time with our besties and their sweet boy, Mason. Brooke's grandmother who is a docent at the zoo came along. I could spend days at the zoo with her learning everything!
First carousel ride! (yes, that is a big boogie hanging out of her nose. Still cute, I say ;))
Baby shower fun with girlfriends! (Funnest game ever - hand out play-doh to guests, have them construct a baby, mommy-to-be picks best baby, best baby maker wins!)
Have a wonderful week everyone!
One word. "BEAUTIFUL". Love you miss you and can't wait to see you!