Things are faring well here with the Gordon's. Apparently, my Facebook addiction was not that severe, as I have not missed it at all! Working part-time is going good. I like to get out, and for those who know me well, I really do enjoy working. My only problem is this, even though I'm part-time, I can't seem to slow down. When I worked full-time, you had to have everything more organized. You had to have your house cleaned for the week on Saturday, have all of your grocery shopping done on Sunday, and stay kept up on laundry as you went. Now that my hours at work are minimal, I find that urgency still exists. I know that I will be home tomorrow as well, and that the laundry could probably be left well enough alone, but I can't help myself. I find myself up at all hours of the night with my laundry detergent & Pine Sol frantically keeping up with my cleaning. It is almost as if those hours not at work have left a void in my life that can only be filled with cleaning products. Other than that, I think I am adjusting well ;) Emma and I have had lots of playtime and snuggling, and I am so glad that I am getting to spend this time with her. Everyday, I look around me and feel so blessed. God is so good to us!

I believe that Emma also enjoys having me home. So much, that she has had herself kicked out of daycare! While she has shown much improvement in the ways of reflux and colic, it is still too much for a daycare provider with seven other little ones to handle. Fortunately, my lovely mother in law has a little vacation time built up to come and play with Emma on my work days for the rest of the month while we figure things out in the daycare department.
Over the weekend, we had a special treat. Not only were Brett's parents here to visit, but we also had his grandparents from Bucklin here! This was Great-Grandma Kelsey's first time meeting Emma. I think they kind of liked eachother. :) Great-Grandpa Butch also made it up to spend Sunday with us.
This coming up weekend, Emma gets to spend a little time with Grandma Anita and Great-Grandpa Ralph while Brett and I sneak over to Stillwater for a little OSU football with some friends. Emma is so lucky to have all of these wonderful grandparents around who can't wait to spend time with her!
Love the post! and LOVE YOU!