Sunday, August 24, 2014

Emma turns 3!!

It has been a LONG time since I have been to this space, but I do miss it.  I am going to attempt to catch up from the summer and hopefully bring things back to speed.  I love this little place because it helps me keep my memories of the girls straight, and it's a great way to remember each special part of life!  So taking it back to May....  my girl turned 3!

Deep dark brown eyes, wild curls, crazy imagination, smart, sweet, determined, ENERGETIC, life of the party. That is my Emma.  There are days when this child has me losing my mind, but then I think of just what I would be missing out on if she were any different.  I love her spirit.  She makes me happy and alive and gets me doing things, but can also curl up on my lap and melt my heart like butter.  Everyday she has something different on our agenda... mostly it is a visit to the zoo.

Over the summer, we were at a restaurant.  She pointed to the corner and said, "mommy, I see a monster". I thought she was pointing at a man and quickly brought her arm down and scolded her for pointing.  Then she looked up at me through the corners of her eyes and said, "mommy, there is a monster behind us", followed by a, "we have a big problem here"!  She then gave me a big smile full of dimples, curled up her fingers with her paws in the air, and gave the biggest monster growl she could give trying to give me a scare.  I love thinking back to this little incident and how her eyes lit up the whole room and gave us all a laugh.  This is my Emma.

Her birthday party was much more simple this year than the previous two birthday parties.  We had the Reed's, my mom, Brett's parents, and her very best Oklahoma friend, Paisley, and her family.  Sadly, the following week, her very best Oklahoma friend became a Texan.  They were the sweetest together, and I do hope we can make a little visit to Austin to visit before too long.  Gifts included a big girl pool, a bug catching kit, pool gadgets, puzzles, a mini mouse cash register, and a trampoline.  Every single item has well gotten its use over the summer.

Here are a few pictures from Emma's birthday party and her with her little friend!  Poor Hannah didn't make many of these birthday pictures!!

Waiting for her guests to arrive!!

Her actual birthday, we celebrated with a birthday waffle, a playdate, and a fun afternoon at our friends pool.  Everyone all day was singing Happy Birthday.  She kind of loved the attention.  

Emma and Max

Emma and Paisley!!

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