This time around has been so much more relaxed. My expectations coming in were a little different. I knew very well this time that having an infant does not mean sitting pretty holding a sleeping baby... not always. It is being cried at, and being spit on, and oh, the poop! I knew this time, that this is not a time for a clean house, or perfectly coifed hair. I knew this time around that those sweet little outfits? Get a picture fast, because this child is going to spoil that little dress in no time.
I also knew this time, that this time is little. Every time I look at each of my girls, I see a baby in pigtails that use to be the baby in my arms, and a baby that soon will be in tails. It reminds me to cherish each "I made mess." What a little short while this is.
This time is so short and fast, that I'm not really sure what all we have done since my last post. Good thing I take so many pictures!
My life with two is so different. Emma and I use to always be on the go. A trip to the zoo or a picnic at the park was easy. Now it is a whole production just to go out back. I can think back to a mom who use to go running with a happy baby in the stroller. Nowadays, we get three feet away from the house just to go on a short walk and we are one hot mess. Toddler has a meltdown over a bike she doesn't want to ride anymore, the baby is screaming, and the dog has his leash wrapped around the dang bike and halfway down the trail. Changing the baby out in public with a two year old is also a challenge. Especially when there is no changing table, so your switching out diapers while balancing a baby on your lap, all while the toddler puts on a light show with the light switch.
"It's only for a little while"... Sometimes breathed through happy sighs while snuggling my girls, and sometimes repeated over and over in my head while I practice therapeutic breathing and scrub crayons off my walls.
This past month we enjoyed cousin Melissa's spring break at the park and at the zoo. Also, my dad and his wife came for a couple days, complete with homemade donuts and a trip to the science museum. Brett and I were able to get a night out the following weekend at my father-in-laws hilarious play, The Kingdoms of Democracy, where we also were able to see Grandpa Butch and his sweet friend, Janet, Uncle Dan and Aunt Karen, and Brett's brother Scott. My mom also came over to see us before we headed back home.
Brett has been hard at work. The business deal is finally done and as of this last week, Signature Landscape here in Oklahoma is finally his and up and running. He is gone before we wake up and works late into the evening, and still he comes home smiling and takes time for us. I love watching his eyes light up when he plays with his girls. I love him so much.
Emma has really been enjoying the nice weather playing outside and making friends with more of our neighbors. Somehow, we managed to move into another family friendly hood with kids galore. Emma is just as smart as ever and lives life so big. I love how excited she gets over everything... like green trees, and flowers blooming, and thunder. She belts out an "Oh Gosh!" while grabbing her cheeks if you point out anything baby or give her any sort of gift. Also, she is the funnest to play hide-go-seek with. "Where's mommy?". "Oh no, I lost mommy." She still doesn't like taking pictures, unless it's a selfie. She thinks that our group selfies are pretty hilarious.
Hannah is the happiest baby ever! She coos and talks, and as of her 3 month birthday, she giggles. It's the best. It kind of goes into a little girl squeal at the end. I can't wait to see more of her little personality.
Here are all of our pictures for the last month. Just kidding, it's like a tenth. But, you'd probably think these should be all of them.
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10 weeks |
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11 weeks |
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12 weeks |
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3 months |
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