Monday, February 13, 2012

Who's the Boss?

Apparently, not me.  Emma is now 9 months old, and she is fast!  She has Brett and I running all over the house, and we still can't keep up!  We have started the baby proofing process, but we were slowed down by a very lazy weekend, a pot of chili, and a super cold front that kept us in our jammies by the fire.  I only wish every weekend was so lovely.  We have learned a few things since Emma has decided to take the house by storm...
Absolutely, must baby proof these doors!

Do not leave purse within reach....

Sister will go to great lengths to eat a cord...

Be careful which drawer you park her chair close to (the knives drawer could have been ugly)...

and, when everything has been emptied onto the floor around her chair.. 
This girl has got a sweet "who dunnit" face!

Last weekend, Brett's brother and parents came to stay with us for a few days.  Monday, his parents took Matt to the airport for his flight back to India.  He is helping with the business of spreading the word of Jesus.  While we love his work, we are going to miss him for the next year and ten months.  It was a great weekend together though!

I've felt a little neglectful on my blog lately...  I've been busy on a few projects lately.  Hopefully, I will have some pictures to share soon!

Hope everyone is staying warm! Have a great week!
Here are a few more pictures that are too cute to not share ;)

Her newest "thing"...carrying this spoon EVERYWHERE!  She even sleeps with it!

And a few more from a little "mini shoot" when we got a little bored :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh Erin!!! She is too darling! I LOVE the fact she is exploring and learning her boundaries. She looks like she is getting into everything. I love those sweet photos you did, but that last one - is too precious!! That big flower on her head ~ Love it!!

    You are so blessed ~ Her big smile and giggles she got from pulling the bibs and things out of the drawer {in her high chair no doubt!} made me travel back in time to when mine were babies....I sure do miss that. All those "little moments" are the best ones. Happy Valentines Day!


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