Saturday, November 21, 2015

September... The rest of the story.

We have been really surprised how well the girls have adjusted to a new baby.  They really are little mommies.  Brett and I are tired.  So tired.  Brett works so hard, and comes home and is just the best daddy, never missing a beat.  I'm definitely a quality time mama, both my strength and my weakness.  I really put a lot of pressure on myself to spend special time with each child doing the things they like, but realized that I had not spent any time for myself or my marriage.  I was starting to get a little  overwhelmed towards the end of September.  We are back onto date nights, and I got back to my running and workouts now that kids are back on their bedtime schedules and Ben is nursing a little more consistently.  Benny boy is so precious, and gives the sweetest smiles.  He really, really loves his mama!

Family Pictures 2015

So, we attempted to get some family pictures done when Ben was two weeks old.  Talk about a workout.  Getting a baby fed and happy, all while keeping two little girls from running opposite directions and looking at the camera is a lot of work!

Just keeping it real, Hannah.