Mommy brain is in full effect. If I don't know where something is, it is probably in the refrigerator. Hannah is getting into a pretty good routine, but the constant tending to one or the other is a pretty big transition for me.
We are getting pretty restless being stuck inside with this crummy weather. We also had a terrible virus make its way through the house landing Hannah in the hospital overnight with fevers. I had to lay across her little body while they catheterized her and drew blood for cultures. So heartbreaking. It really made me so very grateful for our overall health.
On a good note, some of our very best friends came down earlier in February for a visit. Emma was so tickled to see some familiar faces! I got to get out with Micah for some lunch and spa time, and the guys got to watch the game at Buffalo Wild Wings. It was a pretty therapeutic weekend for us all!
We joined a SAHM group here in Edmond. While we haven't been out for much yet, I'm pretty sure we are going to make some great friends. We made it to a couple of playdates, and I got out with just the moms for a dinner night and a Bunco night with a Mardi Gras theme. It was all PG rated. The only boobies that came out were from the mama's who brought their breastfeeding babies ;).
Emma got to go to her first Oklahoma friend birthday party. It was the sweetest little tea party theme. Paisley's mama is my friend from here in the neighborhood and continues to be a great resource for me. She gets me out for neighborhood bunco, and she is a runner like me, so we are keeping each other out running!
Emma is getting to be such a big girl. She does a lot of arts and crafts while cooped up in the house. She is really loving being close to Auntie Gail, Uncle HJ, and cousins, Chelsea and Melissa. While we were in the hospital with Hannah, Emma got to have a sleepover with them all and had a blast! She calls stick people drawings, "balloon people" and cocoa puffs are chocolate meatballs. She loves to play imaginative play with her stuffed animals and baby dolls, and she is amazing at puzzles! We are now involved with Parents as Teachers and she looks forward to learning time with Ms. Jennifer, who is quite pleased with Emma's development.
Hannah is full of smiles! She loves to coo and talk, she loves tummy time, and really loves to listen to my old Southern Hymns CD. We are still exclusively breastfeeding, which I was unable to do with Emma. She does have some reflux which was causing her some discomfort, but she is now on some medication and seems to be much better.
Here are some pictures of my growing girls!!
5 1/2 weeks |
our first date night since Hannah |
working hard on her Valentine's |
she drew these hearts all on her own! |
finished product |
my pretty girl <3 |
Valentines day! |
Hannah's first Valentine's Day! |
Valentine's Day party with our new friends!
6 weeks old |
Emma and Kinsley! |
my friend Micah gets to meet Hannah! |
old friends reunited |
7 weeks |
she even smiles in her sleep :) |
minivan mama! |
Paisley and Karessa |
enjoying some nice weather finally! |
8 weeks |
sisters <3 |
9 weeks! |
Bunco night with the moms group! |