Sunday, March 24, 2013

A bit of incoherent cabin fever jumble.

Well we got more snow, which means Brett was hard at work all weekend, again.  This also means that we didn't get to make it to Oklahoma for my grandpa's birthday party. We are so tired of snow.  In fact, I'm one snowfall away from taking down a snowman. My house is covered in pipe cleaners, glitter, and felt scraps from trying to stay busy.  We did close the curtains for a little while today and decorated our house in spring craftastic-ness to try to get out the blizzard blues.  All complaining aside, it's really not so bad when you get to hang out with this sweet girl all day. ;)

Emma was a little interested in using her potty chair a few months back.  Her interest didn't last long.  Today she was trying to figure out the potty chair again on her own, so we decided to explore the idea of training.  Alas, the new generation of potty trainers....

                                            ..... kids these days.

 We talked about going potty and we sang our little potty song.  She was pretty excited until she couldn't potty, but accidentally did a doody.  I guess we need a doody song.

Captivity highlights:

We set out some extra bird food.  Emma stood by the window and practiced her bird calls to tell them they had food.  "Eer bud, tweet tweet".  Funniest thing ever.

We made some springtime critters and flowers and glued magnets to a few and strung the others.
Maybe we can trick mother nature into following our lead.

Have a great week!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

She's mine.

Eat first.  This was Kinsley's order to Emma as they sat down to their chicken nuggets at Chick-fil-a.  Her eyes never left they play area from the moment we entered the door.  Her four year old friend kept instructing and encouraging through the quick shove-five-fries-in-at-once meal so they could go play.  Crumbs still greased into her cheeks, she slid across my body in the booth in one effortless swoop, and her feet hit the floor before I could get a hold of her.  She ran.  Lost in the long legs setting up barrier to the desired destination, she ran left.  Behind the counter she went, ducking between and around the limbs of college kids serving fries.  Not knowing what to do, I watched and continued to call out to my child as she trekked back and forth under the drive thru window dodging the grasps of the workers, and making a come-and-get-me mockery of the people at this fine establishment.  Parents laughed and kids cheered as she made her way around the tables in the forbidden food preparation areas.  She is mine.  With red cheeks and outstretched arms I claimed her as the manager cheerfully chased her towards me, obviously proud that he was able to catch up with my 2.5 ft toddler.  Everything about this child reminds me who she belongs to, especially her resistance to boundaries.  I'm sure that this will not be my last time being embarrassed by this rebellious run away, but no matter how red the cheeks, I'll always step forward to claim her.  She is mine.  By the way, we will be investing in a kiddie leash.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Picture Perfect.

You know what I love about pictures? They capture the sweet little moments through life that you don't ever want to lose.  They give you the ability to catch all those precious little smiles, and all the firsts on film to remember for always.  They also allow you to take the opportunity to use that fantastic surprise "this almost looks normal" picture in a chaotic, full tantrum conundrum of screams and impressive body thrashing, to somehow trick your future self into thinking that her first parade was a success.  We still had a little fun even though we didn't get to stay for the marching bands and little guys on motorcycles ;)

Last weekend, Emma got to stay with Grandma Tina and Grandpa Dan while Brett and I went to Oklahoma City.  This weekend, she got to see them again while they came up for the Big 12 games.  Emma loves her grandparents! Next weekend we will be going back to Oklahoma for my grandfathers 80th birthday party.  I'm looking forward to see what kind of spoil withdrawals we will be seeing from Emma after her 5th consecutive weekend with some sort of grandparent around!  I'm grateful she has so many people that love her so much.  It's good for kids to be spoiled with hugs and kisses!

We are slowly getting acclimated to the time change, and we are excited about the few pretty days scattered throughout the past few weeks.  Emma points to the sky and says sunshine and claps her hands.  We are really ready for spring after all of our recent snowfall.  We are slowly making our way out of hibernation and getting together with the outside world.  I've had the chance to get out for a few girls dinners with friends, and Emma has been running around the neighborhood with the other twenty tots let out from winter captivity.

Em loves to watch and copy people dance.  She copies everything she hears!  We often hear her say "Oh, man!", "hmmm, I know!" (as she taps her chin then puts her finger in the air), and cupping her ear saying "Listen. what's dat?".  She will put her little shopping basket or purse on her arm and wave bye, and then pretend to shop through her kitchen.  We get lots of "I ie ooh", translating into I love you.  I just love seeing her little personality develop, and she is funny!  However, this little bundle of joy does not come without her moments.  Emma has certainly been searching for her independence lately, which can be trying for any parent.  Luckily, she is still sweet and we get to enjoy her funny imagination, dance moves, and snuggles.  And, with the help of Fujifilm, I'm sure we will hardly remember anything but picture perfect.

Here are a few pictures from the past few weeks!

Have a great week everyone!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Winter Wonderland.

We have had a lot of snow.  I know my sweet husband is ready for it to be over.  A lot of snow means a nice paycheck, but it also means a lot of work and a little of sleep.  For Emma and I, it has meant quiet days at home, sledding, and snowman building.  I think I received the better end of this deal! Brett is such a great daddy and husband.  Even though he has been bone tired, he still cheerfully greets us when he comes home, and made a little time to play in the snow with us!

Last Saturday night, my bestie Brooke came over for dinner and brought her sweet Crosby.  Emma loved rocking him in his carrier, and giving him his binky, and holding him, and giving him kisses.  She is really into babies right now!  

This past week my momma has been here with us.  I really love my mom.  It was especially nice having her here to visit with while my hubby was busy at work.  Em really loved having Nana around, too.  A full five days of grandma snuggles and spoiling and showing off her gymnastics moves. Plus, Brett and I were able to sneak off for a little date with momma here!


Emma has loved going outside and playing in the snow.  She really loved watching us throw snow in the air for Dallas to catch.  We had to pick her up off the ground from laughing so hard!

Emma is really starting to climb, so she has been promoted to big girl bed before she cracks her head open scaling a crib rail.  She did really well at nap time today.  I only had to put her back into bed twice before she finally laid down to go to sleep. It's so bittersweet, these milestones.  I feel like I am constantly grasping onto new parts of her while letting go of others.

Because I don't want to forget these precious moments, here are a few more pictures...

Uncle Matt stopped by for a night before going home to D.C.